Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Snakes Are Scary Beautiful!

Drawing My Way Through My Fear.

Within the last month or so, I've had several run-ins with nature at its finest.  The first incident happened while I was in the kitchen.  I looked out the window and was greeted by a hummingbird. He stared at me while flying in mid air. The second incident was when I was watching my kids play on the playground. While I was sitting there, three spiders landed on me at several different times. The last incident was seeing a brown baby snake curled up in the outside door of our garage.  I was a little freaked out because snakes severely scare me! I'm not sure why because I've never been attacked or anything.  This is the third snake siting I've seen in my entire life, so I'm not sure where this fear comes from.

Since I've seen this snake, I have been very paranoid about snakes lurking around every corner. So I've decided to face my fear full on and create a drawing in my art journal.  Once again I opened Google and looked up baby brown garden snake. Trying not to be freaked out by all the pictures and glaring eyes of serpents, I found one that wasn't super intimidating.

Since this was one of  the pages that was watercolored, I decided to use black pen in various sizes.  I drew the snakes outline.  Then, filled in the body with a scale-like pattern.  Finally, I decided to continue the pattern across the page and use hatch marks to create value and dimension.

Snake Complete!

Snake Head Closeup

Left Tail Detail

Right Tail Detail

Bottom Right Tail Detail

Bottom Tale Detail

Creating this drawing may not have completely helped me to overcome my fear, but I really find this snake scary beautiful! What are you afraid of?  I challenge you to take that fear and create something beautiful with it.


  1. I love your snake drawing! I'm fascinated by them but a little scared too. We saw a legless skink out in our pasture the other day. I looked it up under snakes at first, but I knew it really looked like a lizard with no legs, and sure enough they do exist lol.

    1. Whao! That's crazy! Never knew they existed either. Nature is just amazing! Thanx for the love☺️
