Thursday, April 16, 2015

Seven Day Sewing Challenge Cont...

Babbling Bias Tape 

There are many ways to finish a seam, for instance, trim, ribbon, and bias tape to name a few.  For some of the kimonos I used ribbon to line the seam around the neckline.  This helped the seam lay flat and weight the neckline so that it wouldn't float away while being worn.  The neckline on the open jackets are rounded, so this makes it hard to get a flat seam when the fabric is turned under.

OK, so let's add the ribbon to the raw edges of the neckline.  First, I placed the ribbon shiny side down to the patterned edge or right side of the fabric.  Then, I sewed 1/4" from the edge.  As you can see from the photo my presser foot matches up with the edge of the fabric.

After I finished sewing the ribbon on, I took it to the iron.  Cover with a press cloth so you don't scorch the ribbon. Press until it lays flat. Then turn the ribbon to the back and press on the joined seam. Pin the ribbon down so that it stays in place when sewn. 

Finally, head back to your machine. I like to sew on the right side of the fabric with the satin ribbon underneath. This keeps the ribbon and rayon fabric stable, so it won't move all over the place when sewn.  

This is one way to finish your seam so that it looks professional.  I wanted to include a tutorial on bias tape in this post, but after I made a diagram in Photoshop, it looked WAY TOO COMPLICATED! Even I had trouble following my drawing. No Bueno!  When that happens, it's time to give up the pin and head over to YouTube.  I always find that since I am a visual learner a video always helps when learning something new, so I compiled a few places that will help you in your journey of creating bias tape.

YouTube Video Tutorials

Blog Tutorials

I hope this was super informative and helpful.  Check back next time for the results of my Seven Day Sewing Challenge. Sadly its coming to an end.  Some pretty fantastic stuff headed your way.  Happy Sewing!

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